Arafet is no more !

Arafet dead palastine
Arafet is dead, Arafet the living legend of resistance, the protector of what should be palastine have left, with the pain iside his heart, he unfortunally dropped over from the crying crowd for freedom, a man, a history, a destiny of a nation, one of the few true men of this arabic land, we are just able to look to the grey sky with tears and whising that his soul could rest in peace.

لا توجد كلمات تصلح في مثل هذا الوقت و لا ينفعنا البكاء و ترانا نتوارى عن الغضب لأن الرجل الذي كان يمسك بغصن الزيتون قد رحل و لا أدري كم كان يتمنى أن يكون موته من أجل القضية …. و دعنا نتمنى أن الشهيد منا إذا ولى جثة يخصب الأرض قدحا من نار الثورة لأن المسيرة متواصلة و نحن كلنا عرفات مؤلفة فلتنهضي أيتها الأمة من سبات العاهرات و كفاكم تلذذا بالفجور و إسعى بذلك الجسم النحيف و العقل الخفيف لأن النار تحارب بالنار

9 Comments Add yours

  1. Nuke says:

    … and not a moment too soon, if I may say. The guy in the picture was personally responsible for the death of hundreds of innocent people, both Jews and non-Jews. He ran a corrupt government and betrayed his people by not making the most out of the historical changes happening in the region, and allowing for a renewed bloodshed, while pocketing millions of aid money into his personal account.
    This has nothing to do with Open Source. I’m quite sad to see that people that can value the importance of OSS, are so blind to see the wrong doing of their own.
    Hope you enjoyed your Firefox party. I always thought Tunisia was an amazing example of enlightenment in North Africa, which we know does not have a reputation of being a place with too much hope.
    Sad to see that young and educated people can not join the rest of the world in a hope to do good. Terrorism is not a liberation movement, this excuse been used to death already. Move on.

  2. Karim says:

    The man is dead, he’s efforts were based upon peace, there is no terrosrism related to Palastine, beacsuse beofre 1948 it was a free country seized by the english army it has been delivred to jews, before 1948 there was no Israel, it’s the occupent of a free country, how do you dare making worthy peapole terrorits ?

  3. etta says:

    Je ne sais pas si nike comprends le francais ou pas (pas grave ca va être un dialogue de sourd encore et encore) mais arretes de faire l’amalgamme entre terrorisme et le fait de défendre sa patrie faire entendre la cause palestienne.
    PS: comment tu qulifierais une guerre pierres contre chards….
    bon un débat éternel qui me passionne plus mais qui continue de me révolter quand j’entends des choses pareilles !!!!!!!!

  4. etta says:

    j’ajouterais que peres celui qui voulait faire la paix n’a pas été elu c’est netanyahou qui a gagné, c’est peut etre simplicite comme conclusion mais les isareliens ne voulaient pas trop des accords d’oslow qui ont commencé avec peres, bref, j’arrête ………………..
    La libération c’est pas le terrorisme mais si ca marche pas avec les négociations, je ne vois pas comment ca pourrait etre autrement, c’est le prix de la guerre tout est sale…….

  5. akrout jamel says:

    brvo pour ton talon memme si tu m’insulte au travers mais on se decouvre

  6. etta says:

    insultes de travers!!!! j’ai pas vu ca moi…. je pense sayyem si jamel :):):), et tu hallucines

  7. etta says:

    Je comprends pas un truc, je parle a nuk et c est jamel qui me réponds ??? c’est jamel alias nuke ou quoi????
    ou peut etre que je me prends pour le nombril du monde et que tu m’a meme pas parlé à moi :):):):)
    che pas trop, yodhorli ana heyya elli j allucine!!!!

  8. Nuke says:

    Unfortunately Karim has chosen to remove my 2nd post. I’m not surprised, neither disappointed. I didn’t expect a dialogue.
    Up until recently there wasn’t a Palestinian identity. Like in Jordan, colonial intervention created as situation which all have to deal with, to best possible.
    Jews, who pre date Islam, and inspired it, are part of the region for thousands of years, and don’t need anyones permission to come back to their land.
    The wrong done to the Palestinian is perceived by many as their own fault, and as a result of an indifferent attitude by Arab countries which thought they could get rid of the Zionists quickly and neatly keep the land to themselves, not in the interest of the Palestinians, which sadly, where not even known to exit so far.
    Islam is becoming more and more associated with terrorism all over the world. I live in the Netherlands and I can tell you that having Mediterranean features in Holland this days, creates a very unpleasent experiences, bot for Arabs, Muslims, Jews or others.
    The terrorists, which Arafat inspired so many of, bring shame on Islam, and rather than help the Palestinian, will further delay thier acceptance as legitimate citizens of the international community.

  9. Karim says:

    Unfortunally your main idea is true, but terrorism have nothing to do with arabs, we share your fear, but you’ve got a hand in all this !

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